Why “I Can’t” Causes Your Brain to Freeze!

Why "I Can't" Causes Your Brain to Freeze!Why “I Can’t”, causes Your Brain to Freeze!

“I can’t” are two little words that many of us use from time to time.  I’m sure you have used them; I know that I have, but since I discovered the negative effects that they have on my brain and its ability to work for me I have had to make some changes!

Many of us use “I Can’t” for things that we would love to be able to do, for example: “I can’t speak in public.”  “I can’t lose weight.” “I can’t get fit.”  You name it the list goes on, but the fact remains that once you use these words they actually cause your brain to freeze.  Yes that’s right, when you tell yourself that you can’t do something, it actually causes the problem solving part of your brain to freeze so to speak.  You have declared to yourself that you can’t do…….. and you brain takes your statement at face value, it believes you, and therefore it doesn’t bother wasting any energy trying to discover ways that you could accomplish the task.

Well I hear you say how do I counteract this?  Simple, every time you hear yourself saying I can’t, stop and ask yourself; “Is this something that I would really love to accomplish?”  If your answer is yes, then ask yourself better questions, such as “How can I learn to speak in public?” “How can I lose weight and keep it off?” “How can I………..?”  By asking yourself these sorts of questions it actually gets the problem solving area of your brain working for you.  You will be surprised at the different ideas that pop into your head that will help you accomplish your goal.  I never believed this until I tried it for myself and it really works.

Some of the ideas that your brain conjures up will require you to take action to achieve your goal.  Well, your brain can’t be expected to do all the work!  When you feel inspired to take action, go with it, and don’t be afraid if things don’t go completely to plan immediately, never give up, keep your goal in mind and keep moving forward.  One last thing enjoy the journey:-)

To your success

Roma Catherine.

PS: Have you over come the “I Can’t” bug?  If you have we would love to hear your story.  Please feel free to comment below…….

Roma Catherine

My name is Roma Catherine Bourke, I am a Chiropractor and a blogger with a passion for sharing positive stories about the Law of Attraction and Personal Development. I live with my Family, Horses and Dogs on a small farm in the Southern Ireland.

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