How To Set Your Smart Goals.

Smart Goal Setting

I want you to stop everything you are doing right now and write down your goals. Go ahead. Take a pen and a paper and list all the things that you would like to achieve. I’ll give you a few minutes.

Smart Goal SettingAre you done? Good. Now look at your goals again. I would like you to review them and make sure they are SMART:


You are more likely to achieve a specific goal than a general goal. Visualize what you want and describe it with as much detail as you can. If possible, draw it and keep it somewhere you can always see it like in your wallet. This way, every time you lose hope and feel discouraged, the image will serve as a motivation.

Think of someone who has achieved that goal, for example, a neighbor who recently lost weight and now looks fantastic. Every time you will see this person, you will be motivated towards achieving your goal.


Put a figure to what you want to achieve. How much does the house or car you want cost? How many pounds do you want to lose? Which grade do you want to get in your next exam?

This will make it easier for you to achieve your goal and will help you to know if you are on track to achieving your goal.


Set goals that you know you can attain. Be honest with yourself because you know how capable you are. This stage involves believing without a doubt that you can achieve the goals you have set. Having any doubt whatsoever causes you to ‘switch off’ every time you think of working towards achieving your goals, because you know deep inside you that the goals you have set are unattainable.

Once you completely believe that you can achieve your goal, you develop attitudes, skills, abilities and financial capability that all go towards attaining your goal.
If you truly believe in achieving your goals, then you are halfway to attaining them.


A relevant goal is one that is doable. It means that you have all the motivation, skills, qualifications and financial ability required for you to achieve a certain goal.

Set a plan of action that you have to follow to make sure you achieve what you want. Don’t be afraid to set the bar high, by doing this it stretches your capabilities, drive and ambition. Remember that if at first you don’t succeed, adjust your plan slightly and keeping moving forward.
The point is to make sure that you have an elaborate plan that you can follow to achieve your goal even if it seems that you have aimed too high, keep your focus on the final outcome.


Set a time limit to your goal. Determine a suitable and specific time frame within which you will achieve your goal.

If your goal involves something that will take a long period of time to achieve, it’s best to break it down into a series of small and manageable goals that eventually lead you to achieving your main goal.  This will help you to keep you focused and motivated every step of the way to achieving any long term goal.
Once you have set your goals using the above criteria, share them with a friend, someone you know will support you and motivate you, even in times when you have lost faith in yourself.

You should also review your plan from time to time to reflect any changes that might have occurred in the process of achieving your goals and your dreams

To your successful Journey,

Roma Catherine

Roma Catherine

My name is Roma Catherine Bourke, I am a Chiropractor and a blogger with a passion for sharing positive stories about the Law of Attraction and Personal Development. I live with my Family, Horses and Dogs on a small farm in the Southern Ireland.

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