Does The Law of Attraction Require Action?

Law of AttractionPeople often ask, “Does the Law of Attraction Require Action?”, well in my opinion the Law of Attraction absolutely requires action; in fact the word Attraction finishes with the word action. I know that the book “The Secret” and many other Law of Attraction Texts, tell you that if you are a vibrational match to what your desire it will simply manifest in your life.

This may be true to a certain extent however, let’s look at my very basic example of visualization and vibrational energy. Here we go; let’s say I’m really hungry, so I start thinking about a nice Juicy Hamburger. I am visualizing my Hamburger; in fact, my visualization is working so well that I can almost taste the Hamburger. Now at this stage in my visualization process I would say I am well on my way to being a vibrational match to what I desire i.e. the Hamburger.

Now my Hamburger hasn’t magically manifested yet. However, our brains are goal seeking animals; we just need to give them compelling goals, queue My Hamburger. So once my brain knows that I am serious about wanting that Juicy Hamburger that I am visualizing, it goes about the chore of searching it’s data base for ways for me to achieve my desired outcome. Believe it or not it has been suggested that our brains will seek out the quickest way for us to achieve our goals. So my Brain comes up with the brilliant idea for me to go to a Local Diner around the corner that serves a Superb Hamburger.

Now for me to actually eat and enjoy that Hamburger, it will require me to take action on my brains suggestion. I will have to get up off my butt, walk around to the diner, order my hamburger and then enjoy eating it. You see I can have my Hamburger and eat it too, if I simply take action!

I know I have used a very basic example here but I do believe that the Law of Attraction does require us to take some form of Inspired Action to achieve our desired result. Don’t just take my word for it, why not try a similar sort of experiment at home, by using the Law of Attraction to Attract something small, perhaps your favourite ice cream, chocolate treat whatever takes your fancy. Visualize your goal, imagine enjoying your favourite ice cream sundae or chocolate treat whatever it is, then wait for your brain to give you the answer. I bet you at least 9 times out of 10 inspired action will be required for you to achieve even your smallest goal.

Now if we conclude that inspired action is required for us to achieve even the smallest goals, then why would it be any different when we are trying to achieve bigger goals??? Remember don’t be afraid to take action, after all it’s just part of the Law of Attraction.

Don’t forget to share your comments below;-)

Until Next time to Your Success,

Roma Catherine

Roma Catherine

My name is Roma Catherine Bourke, I am a Chiropractor and a blogger with a passion for sharing positive stories about the Law of Attraction and Personal Development. I live with my Family, Horses and Dogs on a small farm in the Southern Ireland.

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